May 3, 2022

Kris Kobach Endorsed by Kansans for Life in AG Race

Wichita, Kansas — Kansans for Life announced today that the pro-life organization is endorsing Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General. “With abortion extremists attacking pro-life laws in Kansas, the race for attorney general has never been more important,” KFL PAC Director Kristina Smith said. “Kris Kobach has a long history with our movement. Pro-life Kansans and those we seek to protect …

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March 8, 2022

Kobach Sues Biden Administration on Behalf of Kansas Airmen

Wichita, Kansas — Former Kansas Secretary of State and candidate for Attorney General, Kris Kobach, filed suit today against the Biden administration on behalf of 36 airmen in the Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard. In the suit filed in the U.S. District Court, the Kansas and Nebraska Airmen are challenging the legality of President Biden’s COVID-19 …

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January 13, 2022

Kobach Defeats Biden Administration at Supreme Court

Today the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate for large businesses. Multiple parties are challenging the OSHA mandate, and the various cases have been consolidated into a single case. Kris Kobach, candidate for Kansas Attorney General, said the decision is a win for North Dakota companies that he represents. “This is a huge victory for the …

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November 30, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Endorses Kris Kobach in Republican Primary

WICHITA, KANSAS — Today, one of America’s most recognizable Christian leaders, Dr. James Dobson, announced he is endorsing Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General.   “Kris is a strong conservative who will do what it takes to ensure that the institution of the family remains strong in America,” Dobson said. “His service in the pro-life movement is well-known. Unlike some …

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November 18, 2021

Ted Cruz Calls on Republicans to Get Behind Kris Kobach

WICHITA, KANSAS – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz endorsed Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General today. “I’m proud to endorse Kris Kobach for Attorney General. The radical left opened our borders, failed our military heroes, let inflation run rampant and rules by mandates and executive orders. The office best positioned to fight back in court is the state Attorney General, and …

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November 9, 2021

Kobach Files Suit in Federal Court over OSHA Employer Vaccine Mandate

Leading Attorney General candidate, Kris Kobach, is petitioning the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals to review the Biden administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate on businesses, the Alliance for Free Citizens announced today. In his role as chief counsel for the Alliance, Kobach is representing two North Dakota companies that under the new OSHA rule will be required to mandate vaccines for their …

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September 13, 2021

Polling Shows Kris Kobach With Commanding Lead in AG Race

Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is the favorite to win the Republican nomination for Kansas Attorney General, according to a poll released today. In the poll of 800 likely Republican primary voters, Kobach earned the support of 43% of respondents in a three-way race. “We’re encouraged by the results, but we’ll keep running like we’re 10 points behind,” …

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August 2, 2021

America’s Sheriff Endorses Kris Kobach for Attorney General

America’s Sheriff today announced he endorses Kris Kobach for Attorney General of Kansas. David Clarke, a conservative critic of Antifa and the socialist BLM movement, served as Milwaukee County Sheriff for more than 15 years in Wisconsin.  “When law enforcement officers are under attack by the media and the Left, Kansas needs an attorney general who has a track record …

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July 26, 2021

Kansas Sheriffs Endorse Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General

TOPEKA, KANSAS — County sheriffs are lining up to endorse Kris Kobach for Attorney General. The AG serves as the top law enforcement officer in the State of Kansas. Today, ten Kansas sheriffs announced their support for Kris Kobach, the former Kansas Secretary of State.  “As a law enforcement administrator, I know Kris Kobach has our back,” said Ness County Sheriff, Brandon Mitchell. “As …

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July 6, 2021

Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Endorses Kris Kobach

WICHITA, KANSAS — Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft today announced he endorses Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General. “Kris Kobach was one of my most qualified, competent and dedicated attorneys at the Justice Department when I served as U.S. Attorney General,” Ashcroft said. “His experience and skill as an attorney are among the best in the nation.” Kobach served in Attorney …

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