October 26, 2021

Biden Could Stop the 60,000 Migrant Surge Immediately

By Kris Kobach for Breitbart News Some 60,000 migrants are reported to be gathering south of the border to enter the United States. It will be one of the largest surges of illegal aliens into the country in a year that has already shattered previous records in border apprehensions. It’s yet another chapter in the ongoing saga of human trafficking, drug …

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September 13, 2021

Polling Shows Kris Kobach With Commanding Lead in AG Race

Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is the favorite to win the Republican nomination for Kansas Attorney General, according to a poll released today. In the poll of 800 likely Republican primary voters, Kobach earned the support of 43% of respondents in a three-way race. “We’re encouraged by the results, but we’ll keep running like we’re 10 points behind,” …

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August 14, 2021

Federal Court Rules Biden Admin’s Termination of the Migrant Protection Protocols Was Illegal

By Kris Kobach for Breitbart News On Friday evening, a federal district court in Texas handed the Biden Administration a huge defeat.  In so doing, the court also handed the people of the United States a huge victory. Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk of the Northern District of Texas ruled in the case of Texas and Missouri v. Biden that the Biden Administration’s termination of the Migrant …

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August 2, 2021

America’s Sheriff Endorses Kris Kobach for Attorney General

America’s Sheriff today announced he endorses Kris Kobach for Attorney General of Kansas. David Clarke, a conservative critic of Antifa and the socialist BLM movement, served as Milwaukee County Sheriff for more than 15 years in Wisconsin.  “When law enforcement officers are under attack by the media and the Left, Kansas needs an attorney general who has a track record …

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July 29, 2021

Biden Aids the Spread of COVID While Demanding Americans Get Vaccinated

By Kris W. Kobach for Breitbart News At the very moment that President Biden and his administration are ratcheting up pressure on Americans to get vaccinated, they are flooding the country with illegal aliens—an alarming percentage of whom are infected with COVID-19.   As Breitbart reported, on Monday a group of illegal aliens including a mother and some children turned up in …

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July 26, 2021

Kansas Sheriffs Endorse Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General

TOPEKA, KANSAS — County sheriffs are lining up to endorse Kris Kobach for Attorney General. The AG serves as the top law enforcement officer in the State of Kansas. Today, ten Kansas sheriffs announced their support for Kris Kobach, the former Kansas Secretary of State.  “As a law enforcement administrator, I know Kris Kobach has our back,” said Ness County Sheriff, Brandon Mitchell. “As …

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July 16, 2021

DACA Is Finally Dead at Last

By Kris W. Kobach for Breitbart News On Friday afternoon, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen of the Southern District of Texas issued an opinion striking down President Obama’s illegal DACA (“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”) executive action, which was announced more than nine years ago. DACA allowed virtually any illegal alien up to the age of 31 (as of June …

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July 6, 2021

Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Endorses Kris Kobach

WICHITA, KANSAS — Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft today announced he endorses Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General. “Kris Kobach was one of my most qualified, competent and dedicated attorneys at the Justice Department when I served as U.S. Attorney General,” Ashcroft said. “His experience and skill as an attorney are among the best in the nation.” Kobach served in Attorney …

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July 1, 2021

Sheriffs and ICE Officers Team Up to Sue Biden Administration

By Kris W. Kobach for Breitbart News For the first time ever, local sheriffs have teamed up with federal ICE officers to sue a president and his Department of Homeland Security. Thursday, at the federal district courthouse in Galveston, Texas, a lawsuit was filed by a group of Texas sheriffs and counties, along with an association of ICE officers, against …

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May 5, 2021

The Kansas Legislature Overrides Governor’s Veto on Guns and Elections

By Kris W. Kobach for Breitbart News On Monday afternoon, the Kansas legislature voted to override the Democrat governor’s veto on two powerful, conservative bills. Both bills make clear that Kansas wants nothing of the Left’s radical agenda on guns and elections. The gun bill was approved 84-39 in the House, which was just enough to override the veto. It garnered …

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